CAE Constitution and Bylaws
Article I: Name
Sec. 1 The name of this organization shall be the Connecticut Association of Endodontists.
Article II: Objectives
Sec. 1
- To promote interchange of ideas on methods of pulp conservation and endodontic procedures in order to retain the natural dentition.
- To promote the highest standard of endodontic care for the public
- To stimulate research studies, both clinical and laboratory among its members
- To have an affiliation with the American Association of Endodontists as well as the state and local dental societies
- To represent the specialty of endodontics in the State of Connecticut
- To provide the public, the media and third party carriers with information and guidance in matters relating to endodontics
- To promote professionalism and camaraderie among the members by providing an open forum for discussion in matters pertaining to the clinical and business aspects of endodontic practice
Article III: Membership
Sec. 1 The membership of this society shall be composed of Active, Associate, Educator, Disabled Active, Life, Retired, Honorary and Student members as defined by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) within the State of Connecticut who pay the dues of the Connecticut Association of Endodontists (CAE) according to the AAE dues schedule.
Sec. 2 The membership of this association shall be composed of all membership categories of the American Association of Endodontists within the State of Connecticut. Failure to maintain Active or Life membership in the American Association of Endodontists and to make CAE dues payment will be grounds for immediate termination of membership.
Sec. 3 The privileges of the CAE memberships shall coincide with the privileges of the AAE memberships.
Sec. 4 Any member whose membership is not in jeopardy for any causes may resign his membership by written request to the society.
Article IV: Officers
Sec. 1 The officers of this society shall consist of a president and a Secretary-Treasurer. These officers shall serve until their successors shall assume office.
Sec. 2 The duties of the officers shall be those conventionally associated with the official titles, and such other duties the membership may assign.
Sec. 3 Each officer shall be elected for a period of two years. The Secretary-Treasurer shall succeed the President to office upon completion of their terms.
Article V: Council
The council shall consist of the elected officers, chairpersons of the committees and two immediate past presidents.
Article VI: Meetings
Sec. 1 The time, place and number of meetings shall be determined by the President. There shall be a minimum of two meetings a year (fall & spring).
Article VII: Nominations and Elections
Sec. 1 The nominating committee shall consist of the current president and the two immediate past presidents. They shall nominate a candidate for each office. Nominations in addition may be made from the floor by any member.
Sec. 2 A majority of all votes cast shall elect a candidate to office.
Sec. 3 Election of officers shall take place the last Spring meeting of the term.
Sec. 4 Newly elected officers shall assume office at the first day of the fiscal and administrative year.
Article VIII: Committees
- The president shall appoint committees and committee chairpersons as deemed necessary by the membership or council as needed to conduct the business of the association.
- Constitution and By-Laws: The immediate past president shall be the chairperson of this committee. He shall annually study the Constitution and By-Laws and make recommendations to the council concerning necessary revisions. He/She shall obtain from the Secretary-Treasurer at the end of each fiscal year, a copy of all minutes pertaining to constitutional changes during that year, and prepare a revised copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to present to the incoming president and secretary.
Article IX: Relationship with the American Association of Endodontists
Sec. 1 This Association agrees to abide by the constitution and by-laws of the American Association of Endodontists.
Article X: Amendments
Sec. 1 The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting, provided that the notice of the proposed changes has been mailed to the members at least one month prior to the voting.
Article I: Membership Requirements
Membership requirements for the CAE shall coincide with the membership requirements of the AAE.
Article II: Ethics and Professional Conduct
The Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct of the American Association of Endodontists and the American Dental Association shall govern the professional conduct of all members of this Association.
Article III: Rights and Privileges of Members
Rights and privileges of members of the CAE shall coincide with the rights and privileges of the AAE.
Article IV: Duties of Officers
Sec. 1 President
The president shall have general supervision of the society, enforce the Constitution and By-Laws, call all special meetings of the society, preside over all society and council meetings, be an ex-officio member of all committees and perform such other duties of the office as may appertain thereto.
He (She) shall appoint officers pro-tem in case of temporary absence. He (She) shall call any member to preside over a society or council meeting at any time he (she) wishes to take part in a discussion or excuse himself (herself) from a meeting. He (She) shall appoint all committee chairpersons , and fill vacancies due to death or resignation. At least two weeks prior to the end of the fiscal year he (she) shall appoint a committee of at least two members to audit the books. These auditors shall submit their report by July 15 to the new president. He (She) may appoint a parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall then become a member of the council. In case of death or resignation of the president, secretary-treasurer shall succeed the presidency.
Sec. 2 Secretary-Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes of all proceedings of the society and council, which shall be kept as permanent record in the secretary's book. These minutes shall be read at the regular meetings of the society and council. He (She) shall act as custodian for all minutes, correspondence, documents, and other hereditaments of the preceding five years and deliver these at the expiration of his term of office to his successor. He (She) shall purchase all secretarial supplies. He (She) shall have available at all meetings a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws. He (She) shall take a roll call of members present at each meeting, this to become part of the minutes of the meeting. He (She) shall notify officers, applicants for membership, committees and others of their election or appointment. In case of death or resignation of the president, he (she) shall assume the presidency. In case of death or resignation or succession to the presidency, election of a new secretary will be voted upon by the membership at the next special or regular meeting. He (She) shall issue checks for payment of bills for other than normal administrative expenses of the society which have been approved by a majority of members present at a regular or special meeting of the society. He (She) shall prepare a roster of members in good standing as of June 1. He (She) shall have his books ready for auditing at the end of the fiscal year, and deliver these records to his successor at the expiration of his term of office.
Article V: Council
Sec. 1 The meetings of the council shall be subject to the call of the President, and shall be open to all members in good standing.
Sec. 2 Fifty percent of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 3 The council shall act in an advisory capacity to the President.
Sec. 4 A majority vote of the council is necessary to carry any proposition and to authorize the expenditure of the society funds of $500 or more other than normal administrative expense only when time does not allow for a special or regular meeting.
Sec. 5 They shall act as a grievance committee.
Article VI: Quorum
1/3 of eligible voting members shall constitute a quorum.
Article VII: Elections
Sec. 1 The following officers are to be elected at the annual (Spring) meeting by ballot: president and Secretary-Treasurer whose term shall commence as of July 1st following the election.
Sec. 2 When three or more candidates are balloted upon for an office an officer elect must have a majority of all. In case of a tie, the balloting shall continue until there is a majority vote for one candidate.
Sec. 3 The nominating committee shall consist of the current president and two immediate past presidents, shall elect their own chairman. They shall make their report of nominations on the day of the election. In addition, nominations may be made from the floor by any member.
Article VIII: Dues
Sec. 1 The CAE dues structure and collection schedule shall coincide with the dues structure and collection schedules of the AAE.
Sec. 2 The annual dues shall be such an amount as is determined by the council, and approved by two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting as will be sufficient to enable the society to function.
Sec. 3 The CAE dues shall be billed and collected through the AAE dues collection process. Dues for each calendar year are payable on July 1 of that year. Failure to pay dues or special assessments, together with any applicable delinquency fine, by October 1 results in automatic termination of membership.
The fiscal administrative and membership year of the society shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Article X: Termination of Membership
Each of the following is grounds for immediate termination of membership:
- failure to maintain membership in the American Association of Endodontists
- failure to pay dues
- resignation
Article XI: Amendments
The By-Laws may be amended at any annual meeting by action of 2/3 of the active members present and voting.
Article XII: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised 1951 shall govern this society in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws or the special rules of the society.
Article XIII: Order of Business
The order of business unless otherwise ordered by council or society shall be:
- Call to order
- Reading of Minutes
- Report of Secretary
- Report of Treasurer
- Committee Reports
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Papers and Discussions
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment